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Wielka Brytania opuści Unię Europejską w piątek 31 stycznia 2020 r. O godzinie 23:00 czasu brytyjskiego, wchodząc w okres przejściowy, w którym Wielka Brytania będzie nadal stosować prawo europejskie, jak każde inne państwo członkowskie.
W przypadku przewoźników towarowych i ich klientów, którzy korzystają z usługi Le Shuttle Freight Service przez kanał La Manche, NIE MA ZMIAN w ich przeprawach ani w dokumentach wymaganych w tym czasie.
Proces będzie kontynuowany, podobnie jak dzisiaj, w okresie przejściowym, który potrwa co najmniej do 31 grudnia 2020 r .
Ponieważ Wielka Brytania i UE nadal negocjują swoje przyszłe umowy handlowe, Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight będzie Cię informować na bieżąco, aby przygotować Cię na wszelkie zmiany planowane na 2021 r.
Article 470 "Units that started movement before the end of the Transition"
Article 470 "Units that started movement before the end of the Transition"
28 December 2020
Protocol for “Units that started movement before the end of the Transition Period”
On December 31, 2020, the transitional period of Brexit will end and from 1/1/2021 customs and transit controls will be placed
on the movement of goods between the UK and the EU. The provisional Trade and Cooperation Agreement agreed on 24th
December 2020 between the EU and the UK confirms this principle.
There is an important transitional exemption in that Union goods which are already moving as intra-Union movement from the
UK to the Union or vice versa before the end of the transition period are still treated as an intra-Union movement, subject to the
fulfilment of the requirements set out in Article 47 of the Withdrawal Agreement. The EU and UK, and Belgium and the
Netherlands have now all provided practical guidance on how to deal with these ‘cutover’ goods.
The following is to be proven by the person concerned when those goods arrive at the respective border between the Union and
the UK:
(i) that those movements have started before the end of the transition period and ended thereafter; and
(ii) that the goods have the customs status of Union goods.
• The means of proof of the customs status of Union goods to be used for that purpose are set out in Article 199
• The proof of the start of the movement prior to the end of the transition period is to be provided by a transport
document or any other document showing the date when the movement has started.
Please take note that goods being moved under the conditions of Article 47 are waived from Import / Export formalities only.
The vessel that travels between the UK and the EU after 01/01/2021 is required to comply in full with all requirements, such
being amongst others the requirement to submit Safety & Security declarations when traveling to the EU and performing the
necessary transactions to Customs systems.
We hereby inform you of the protocol in which you can indicate to CLdN that you would like to move your goods under
these exemption provisions.
Please note it remains your responsibility to ensure that your goods moved are eligible for this process. CLdN will assume
no responsibility whatsoever and you will need to ensure that your units can be correctly released from the appropriate Port
within the time limits defined by CLdN. This means that when the authorities request further evidence, or reject the information
provided, you will bear all associated costs resulting from this.